Our Story
My husband of 40 years was one of the most loving and caring people I have ever known or met. Born and raised in New Orleans, he loved people. And although his job took him out of Louisiana midlife, you could not mistake his accent or his roots.
He taught me by example the most important things in life. It was on our first get together that he literally asked me Do you know my friend Jesus? His words struck my heart to such a measure, my life has never been the same. It was my husband who mentored and discipled me. From there, quite a few of my family also came to and still walk with the Lord. He had a zeal to share His King with all.
Lloyd didn’t care much about earthly wealth; he was not drawn to the superficial. There were no facades, pretense or filters. Not a polished man, just himself, rough edges and all. But if you’d seen his heart, you loved him. And if you really knew him it is a gift. He adored me and told me so a million times a day in a million ways.
Not big on holiday giving, but walking through a mall was a problem because we almost always got in a tiff over him going in to a jewelry store to buy me yet another special something. I would try to steer him away but he would usually win. I literally have a drawer full of jewelry still in the box, now what a treasure.
What was most important to him is that his 3 children knew that he loved them. He was their biggest fan and greatest supporter. He was so proud of each one. As well, our 13 grands and now 2 great grands.
Also, that he was a good husband. Because to him it was those two things that was evidence of a truly blessed life. It was something he wanted to know when he met you. If you had a special someone, if so, why you weren’t married. And if you were married how many children you have. And if you have children, why you didn’t have more. Heaven help you if you were single or just dating.
In February 2014 Lloyd had bypass surgery. He was under anesthesia for an extended period, which we felt to be the triggering event of dementia for him.
His surgery had been rescheduled several times, then finally happened and he was released on Valentine’s Day. Leaving the hospital like they have you do in a wheel chair; he was to hug his soft over stuffed red heart shaped pillow so as to not tear his stiches if he were to cough or sneeze. Picture it, there we were with the heart pillow due to heart surgery on heart day. It was a marked moment.
At first the memory issue wasn’t that noticeable, but there were things that became a struggle. For his age he was still very active and healthy, physically. He loved working in the yard, playing golf and playing with the grandkids. But things began to change.
Physical things became a frustration, beyond the normal aging process. Repetition in conversation became the norm. Social invitations, small group and the like ended. Life began changing for both of us in a big way.
I attended an Alz support group meeting at the YMCA and cried myself to sleep that night. What was said at the meeting was anything but supportive or encouraging. Thankfully the Lord had something to say about it as well. That night I had a dream. In the dream the Lord was addressing my fear. He said “Stop acting like a harlot, I AM your husband.” In other words, He would take care of us. He was letting us know that He had us.
Soon after, his primary care physician told us what I thought was going on and prescribed the normal Alz medication that would at best slow it down. And he took it for about 2-years. I was believing for a miracle healing and at the same time thought surely there had to be another answer.
I then became a student of natural remedies concerning dementia (I have always leaned toward natural remedies to address health issues) complete with a program to reverse the cognitive decline titled Awakening from Alzheimer’s.
It may have done some good, we will never know for sure. My beloved was never a fan of supplements and it was a battle to get him to take even 1 pill let alone a complete regimen with brain specific nutrient smoothies and lifestyle changes.
Don’t get me wrong we have always eaten healthy and been active. He was a runner in his early years and avid golfer throughout the majority of his life. He could outwork a 30-year-old given any situation. He didn’t have an off switch when it came to activity but he just wasn’t up for the task at this stage in the game. Perhaps just too little too late.
By the way, I do highly recommend the Awakening from Alzheimer’s program. It is 12 top MDs and PhDs in the field of Neurology with decades of experience weighing in on keys to combat, even reverse this awful disease. Each one offers preventative aspects as well as help to counteract early (and even late) onset Dementia. Because according to them you may have the genetic make-up but you do not have to turn the gene on, it’s all about health and lifestyle. And many in late stages have had turn arounds. Evidently it can be done. Traditional medicine wouldn’t tell you that but there are impressive results on record.
More fear rose up and the Lord had to set me straight yet… again. Like in any hard season we walk through, we need to be reminded. We have no idea what amount of trust we possess until it’s truly tested. He was in fact proving Himself, in that He has been there at every turn.
Though the hope of a healing this side of heaven grew dim, and the circumstances changed for the worse, God felt ever present. There was a supernatural grace on our life. He has literally been the footprints in the sand. He truly carried us, and I don’t think I had really realized it at the time.
The diagnosis came in February of 2020 from a local neurologist. The future looked anything but bright. Each day was like a week, a week like a month and a month like a year in progression.
April of 2021, I attended an Alz support group meeting in our neighborhood. I felt I was in the right place at the right time. There were 12 of us in a circle. All of those in attendance had said goodbye to their spouse or loved one 2-3 years prior. I thought and you are still coming to these meetings? Each one understood the journey and spoke to my story. They came for me. For us. I was able to exhale.
They recommended I speak with the local Hospice. So, that day I called, with intention to hopefully get information, but hung up in tears. After a long conversation Hospice said he was in late stages and that my husband was ready for them. What? Ready for them, what does that even mean? I couldn’t wrap my head around it. The appointment the next day confirmed his stage. They gave him 6 months. Now of course no one but God has the day of our promotion to heaven in His plan but it’s what they do. They have a good handle on understanding what comes next.
Let me say I will likely be an advocate for those walking through the exit of a spouse to this disease. It had been hard to find real answers and support. I am not talking about family and friends. I am talking about agencies and groups in the field. Countless contacts advertised and referred. No call backs. Not one. Crickets.
Maybe I needed to walk this path alone. Maybe it was part of the heart conversation God seemed to start back at the first. Maybe I needed to know the journey for which I am forever changed. Maybe I needed to walk through the 5 stages of grief: denial, bargaining, depression, anger and finally acceptance.
Maybe I will be able to be an advocate one day, and walk through the darkest longest night with another and tell them the ripping apart of the life they knew and loved will never be the same, but will in time be ok. That the dreams they had of growing old together wasn’t going to happen, yet God has them. It’s a long road from the ripping to the knowing but there is an eventual end and dawning of a new day.
Now I am thankful, for His faithfulness, His mercy, His goodness, His presence and His great love. Not because the outcome was my choosing. No one would choose this for their loved one. But because my Savior lives. And I will spend my days telling of His greatness. He is bigger than any problem, heart break, devastation or loss. Because His name is Peace. And He is sovereign. We won’t know the reasons why things turn out like they do but somehow someway our story will speak. Because that is my God.
My focus was to be even more intentional in serving my husband well, to the end. I am thankful he was able to stay in our home and that I got to be his main care giver, not someone who didn’t know him. Not in an unfamiliar place. I must say he was the most loving, kind and gentle person to take care of. He always always had a smile. He’d lay his hand on your arm or side, when close to him. As if he was saying thank you for taking care of me. I will treasure that forever.
I think it was at about 6 months prior to his passing, I felt like I couldn’t go on. I couldn’t do this anymore. Picture a battle field with smoldering heaps of remains, I felt covered in sot from the fight, lying face down on the ground. Each day I gave all I had but it seemed to be to no avail. It was like I slid down a dark hole. I was at the bottom.
And then I heard…. from the Lord…. He said My strength doesn’ t begin until yours ends. It was an icy cold drink of the most refreshing water I had ever tasted. I understood what God really means by when we are weak then we are made strong. The light came back on. Somehow my fight had turned to my own best effort. I released it all, once more. I felt a new grace on the journey. I could run again.
August 1st 2022 my husband took a turn and the Lord gave me a big heads up that he was on the clock so to speak. I knew his journey was nearing the finish line. He had run his race. Each day we had together became even more special.
At the very end we had many special moments. Although he had no words, occasionally he had a full sentence. Each time, it was like heaven opened. It meant so much. I’ll never forget what he said. He gave the best hugs and I’d try to dance with him (because he LOVED to dance), although he had almost no mobility the last 6 months. His face would light up.
October 16th 2022 my beloved stopped eating and drinking, the next day Hospice said it would be 2 weeks at most, but I thought it would be less. I reached out to the kids and 2 of the 3 were able to fly in and we were together at his bedside telling stories as he left this earth 5 days later.
The only reason one of the kids couldn’t come for his last few days was because he and his wife were having one of our grands. It was as it was supposed to be. In fact. our new grandson was born the day before his Papaw left for heaven. Within a week, God really showed off and we became the great grandparents of 2 great granddaughters.
His Hospice nurse that went through the entire time (what ended up to be a year and a half) with us, was truly wonderful, in fact, a gift. She was exactly what my husband needed. And his CNA God sent for me. She helped me navigate it all. She is also family now. We laughed and cried together many times. They were both God sent.
My husband would be more than proud of our family. They were amazing. The 3 kids and spouses (although long distance) brought so much love and support. We stayed united through every decision, we made together. Through many visits and calls. In addition, our grands and my 3 amazing sisters and their spouses, my aunt & uncle (more like my parents) and others literally held up my arms through it to his last breath. God’s presence was tangible. All the prayers of friends were felt and so very appreciated. God said He would take care of us and in fact He did that and so much more.
I learned so many truths and life lessons along the way. Too many to recount here. But know that no matter what we go through in life, if we allow God to take us through, He will make beauty for ashes….