The Boss of All

As long as I live I do not think I will ever forget the precious conversation I had with my grandson Samuel some time last year. We were in the car, just he and I, he was 4 then. We were driving down the road and all of a sudden I hear from the back seat “Nana,…. (long pause) is God the Boss of ALL?” So pronounced was Boss of ALL! Like he had not only really thought this through but, he earnestly needed to know.

Now, I have to say even prior to his 3rd birthday he thought he was in charge! On his recent 5th birthday he announced he was in fact now the boss! I love it! Of course, being the first born will automatically give one opportunity to be the leader; after all it is a blessing and birthright. But for him, it is his job. It is who he is. I could tell this was an important issue.

I did not hesitate to responded with “Oh yes Samuel, God is absolutely the BOSS OF ALL!  A moment had not passed and he followed up with “Nana… (another long pause), how did Jesus REALLY walk on the water?” I replied, “Well Samuel you know how all of your super heroes can do supernatural things with super human power? Like fly and take out bad guys with a single act? He nodded. I continued, “Well Jesus is like that, only it is really real!” He did not say another word, but I could see in his big eyes in the rear-view mirror, he got it.

So, what does God being the boss of all have to do with Jesus walking on water? Funny you should ask! In John chapter 8 Jesus has a long conversation with the Pharisees regarding who He REALLY is. The argument started with Jesus forgiving the woman caught in adultery. But they did not get it, did not see it. Jesus said it a number of ways. They tell Him he has a demon.  Back and forth and back and forth. I love the exchange. Jesus finally tells the Jews their father is the devil.

I have been pondering the heart of man and our reoccurring desire to take back control. I mean let’s be honest. Certainly, it is not once and for all. Do we ever come to a place though, where we are free from our self and end our bent to build a golden calf? You know, to make something happen? The children in the wilderness knew well what it was like to wait on the manifestation of God, literally to no avail, or at least for the majority.  Is that our fear? That we will die in the wilderness without seeing our promised land?

I have noticed a season of settling, in our pursuit to the fullness of God. Coming into understanding of our identity are we now OVER allowing God to raise up the true plan, purpose and fulfill the promise therein? In other words, have we come so far as to have overcome much, know our authority, gifts and calling, yet not willing for our Isaac to be sacrificed?

The disobedience in the garden (Gen 3) was all about choosing who will rule. Because we do get to choose. It was a test for which He gave the answer even before the question. The issue has not changed. In the heart of every son or daughter, it is still being debated.

Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is that which seems right, looks right, sounds right but will lead to death vs the tree of life which in fact is 100% God, 100% Spirit. He said eat from IT only. The things of the Spirit are enmity to the natural man. Every issue, every answer is directly related to the tree of which we are partaking.

Laying in the altar until He brings the instruction is perhaps harder than birthing yet another Ishmael.  Being in a waiting season or on hold is certainly likened to passing through the fire, even if we have passed this way countless times. Because what is required is nothing short of holy and pure, tried by every fire. It’s a deeper level of crucifixion to our flesh. It is not for the weak of heart.

In waiting on unfulfilled promises, do not give up. Stop squirming and wait longer. The counterfeit will not satisfy in the end. We have come way, way too far to turn back now. Get back up, be still through the wait, and contend until it comes. Right now, it might just seem like a mirage, even still, hope again. Allow Him to break your heart anew. One day when we stand before Him and He recounts what He had for us in the earth, we want it to be that in fact He was the Boss of All…..